Prov. 22:11 One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have the king for a friend.
When we don't bath for a day or more, the body smells, right? especially the armpits. They give out very bad odour, but after bathing, the body becomes clean, no more bad odour.
Well that's for the outer part of the body. One may ask, "can the inner part of the body be dirty?" well.. yes, it can be, like accumulation of unhealthy foods, toxins from pollution, smoking, drinking too much coffee, too much sodas or wine or sweet tea. You cleanse or detoxify the inner body by drinking clean water, eating fibers, avoid caffeine and alcohol.etc.
The heart is the control house of the body. when the heart fails the body cease functioning. Can the heart get dirty? yes! it can.
A man can kill with his heart, commit adultery, fornication, and so many other evil right there in the heart. This things makes the heart impure.
It takes the grace of God for one to attain perfect purity of heart. This generation is so full of evil, immorality is the order of the day. How can people, especially young people who are more prone to this "epidemic" attain purity of heart. Well, it's possible, the question then is how?
Well, the perfect cleansing agent of the heart is JESUS.
The bible says that the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? The truth is that even believers find it hard to control the heart from immoral thoughts, especially lust. Only Jesus can purify the heart.
These steps would act as a guide to purify the heart
1. Often look into the Word of God. ‘Now ye are clean through the word John 15:3. ‘Thy word is very pure’ Psalm 119:140.
2.Go to the bath.
i The bath of tears: just as peter cried after his denial of Christ, he was so sorry for what he did. also Mary who washed the feet of Jesus with her tears and wiped them with her hair
ii The bath of Christ’s blood: The blood of Jesus washes away sins.
3. Get faith (Acts 15: 9) Having purified their hearts by faith
4. Breathe after the Spirit
i. To fire (Acts 2: 3). Fire is of a purifying nature. It refines and cleans metals. It separates the dross from the gold. The Spirit of God in the heart refines and sanctifies it. It burns up the dross of sin.
ii. The Spirit is compared to wind. There came a sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost’ (Acts 2: 24)
iii. The Spirit is compared to water. ‘He that believeth on me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water; but this spake he of the Spirit’ (John 7:38, 39)
5. Take heed of familiar converse and intercourse with the wicked.
6. If you would be pure, walk with them that are pure.‘ (Proverbs 13: 20)He that walketh with the wise shall be wise’
7. Wait at the posts of wisdom’s doors
8. Pray for heart purity