should we say? Should we keep on sinning so that Gods undeserved grace will
show up even better? No, we should not! If we are dead to sin, how can we go on
sinning?” Rom6:1-2
When the law came, it brought sin and also gave birth to
death as its repercussion. So then what’s Grace? Grace is like a spiritual
force that works in us despite our disposition. Grace is the reward of the
death on the cross. It is the evidence of Jesus’ forgiveness on the cross. A
man filled with grace is not a man without sin, but a man after Gods heart. The
love of God upon us stretches beyond our Love for Him. If it were to be equal,
men would never reach their quota. The love of God for us births the grace of
God upon us. The Grace of God upon us fuels the Love of God in us. Grace is the
revelation of Christ in us by the father.
Before we get into understanding the working of Grace, I
think there should be knowledge of the difference between Law and Grace.
Basically, the difference between the two covenants can be
summarized in this statement; law commands old man from the outside, Grace
writes upon the heart of the new man from within. Law gives external
transformation, Grace gives internal transformation. Law is outside me- something
I can point to and say “that’s what I’ve got to do” Grace is inside me and
changes me in such a way that it becomes natural for me to act the way God
Grace is transmitted only by the working of the Holy Spirit,
who writes spiritual truths on our hearts. We do not read this with our eyes,
but they are absorbed inwardly and thus redirect the way we live. Grace
operates in our lives by a continuing supernatural operation of the Holy Ghost.
Grace never works on the plane of our natural abilities. When we start to think
we’ve got it made, that we can do it by ourselves, we are no longer operating in
grace. The distinction between the Law and grace can also be illustrated as two
alternating ways of making a journey across unfamiliar territory to an unknown
destination. Law offers a map: Grace provides a personal guide, the Holy Spirit.
(Rom 8:14). For as many as are led by the spirit of God, these are sons of God.
Look at our traveler, having his map and set on his journey.
Having no need for a personal guide. Just at night, he’s lost, confused and
then he makes a cry “Lord I need you”
and right away the Holy Spirit comes and holds him by hand. After being much
comfortable, he begins thinking “I can make it on my own, if only I just take a
little time, I can find out where I am” Then the Holy Spirit responds “I see
you no longer need me”….the traveler is too busy reading the map to hear him.
By then, the Holy Ghost has gently withdrawn. That is the danger in the Christian
walk. We acknowledge our need for the Holy Ghost, but when we begin to make
good progress we decide we can make it with the map. At that point, grace
ceases to operate in our life. We have to make an important choice, either the
map or the guide. One excludes the other.
The law is the last and greatest obstacle to overcome in
order to experience the spirit filled life fully. The law as a means of
righteousness strengthens the basic motivation of sin – the desire to be independent
of God. Grace does the opposite. It lays the only enduring foundation of
righteousness – total dependence upon God. Grace operates in our lives only by
the continuing, supernatural presence and power of the Holy Spirit. We are to
live in total dependence on Him every day, every hour, every moment.
God’s Grace.
Happy New Month!!