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Photo credit: Irish Examiner |
"...And the winner is ...uhmmm the winner is... erhmm yes yes the winner is Ramsey Rogers!!!" the anchor announced.
Instantly there was a loud cheer in the auditorium. "RR!! RR!! RR!!" they all chanted. They continuously cheered until the anchor found it difficult to hear his voice. Finally after a short while that seemed like a never ending while, the crowd decided to heed to the anchor's plea.
RR!! or better still Ramsey Rogers is the first child of Charlotte and Nnamdi Alexandria Rogers. 'He has always been this way.. Just like i am'... that's his father's description of him whenever he's been asked about his son's excellent academic performance.
Well.. up until his demise he never said otherwise. His death was like the end of the world for the family. The cold sullen hands of death had earlier taken two of their kids in what seemed to be a normal childs play. Only when they heard a scream from the kitchen and there they were in the pool of their own blood... So what really happened?
Fast forward to the grand finale of the national essay competition. Charlotte couldn't hold back her tears. Her son has consoled her yet again!... She felt she's gradually becoming free from the years of pain and grieve.
"Oh my boy! you've made mummy proud again!" she whispered to him and gave him a quick hug and bathed him with kisses. The seventeen year old Ramsey struggled to pull out of her hands ...well not because he was unhappy about it... but " Mum! mum! it's enough.. i'm in front of my mates... mum! mummy!" he insisted!! .Charlotte smiled... knowing how shy he could be. But on the flip-side, Ramsey felt relieved.
She began noticing it when he was still tender. He hardly could relate with other children his age. He was so reserved even to the point of eating. He's usual response when it's time to eat was..." No, I've lost appetite". He hardly ate. Well to a large extent that resulted to his lanky appearance. "You've lost what! my friend pick up your spoon and do justice to that meal right now... I mean where on earth did you initially keep your appetite...and why are you're always loosing it?, can't you keep it where you can easily find it?" Nnamdi would always respond this way when he is in the happy mood, and the whole family would get soaked up in laughter.
Maybe if he was agile enough he could have saved his siblings. The deed was done right in front of him. He was only seven, the twin were just three.. The perpetrator was seven and was the next door neighbor. The quads were all playing together in the kitchen when Eugene picked up the newly bought knife and playfully pierced it into the stomach of the twin. He just did it laughing because he had just done exactly what his favourite movie star did in the last episode of his favourite series and saw the same red liquid come out of them as he saw on the screen. Ramsey was there, quiet and startled. Suddenly he heard himself scream until he collapsed!
"Mummy!! Mummy!! so you still have the video with you? Look at my lean cheeks... well i was just seventeen" the twenty five year old Ramsey said while taking a sit with his mum, who had been watching the video of his national essay competition. "just seventeen," she muttered. "look at the way you were struggling with me when i came to wash you with kisses and hugs" she jested.. " Oh my!!" Ramsey bursted into a thunderous laugh... such that comes once in a blue moon.
Charlotte tried fighting back her tears at the sight of this rare moment, but unfortunately she lost the fight. Tears freely flowed from her eyes as she began sobbing. Ramsey quickly reached out for her hand.."it's well mum! Next week, i'll start my first job at the Bureau in Abuja. I'll make sure i offset outstanding debts. " Ramsey said as he susccesfully fought back his tears. Just together the duo sat at the balcony of the apartment.
ahhh!! Ahh!!.... JESUS!!! JESUS!!!
It has happened again!!!
what happened?
Ramsey is dead! Yeah just right there at the balcony.... just there. Euguene again!! yes. The same Eugune. He shot ramsey twice at the head.
Euguene couldn't run far before he was caught... "madam !! madam!! give us a go ahead before the police comes!!" requested the mob... They didn't know she couldnt hear them ...she wasn't deaf ... but she was taken far back to memory lane... Right before her eyes her husband died in the hands of Eugene!... he was only twelve then! They said it was an accidental discharge! for her twins , they said she was careless to leave the kids in the kitchen. Now what would they say?
well, now they are saying vengeance.
"Madam!! madam!" they called out.... Charlotte looked at her son's lifeless body. No more tears again... She just couldn't cry again! she had lost it.... with a shallow grin , she looked at them and muttered Ramsey's iconic response " No...I've Lost Appetite...I've lost appetite for vengeance...I've lost appetite for anger... I've lost appetite for sin. Let him go, the police will take it from here..."
She lost appetite for revenge and anger hmmnn...
Have i lost appetite for sin? Even though born again and transformed yet, have we truly lost appetite for sin?
What do we still give in to in secret?
"And those who belong to Christ Jesus (the messiah) have crucified the flesh (the godless human nature) with it's passions and appetites and desires." Galatians 5: 24 (AMP)
Brethren it's clear, until we get to the point where we've completely lost appetite for sin...we truly do not belong to Christ Jesus!
Great tips regrading Appetite . You provided the best information which helps us a lot. Thanks for sharing the wonderful information.