Wednesday, 4 April 2018



We have established in the PART I of this series that worship in the New Testament must be done in spirit and truth and therefore can only be done by those who are saved (that is those who have their spirits quickened by the injection of eternal life by the Holy Spirit on account of their belief in Jesus Christ.) Yes, acceptable worship must originate in the regenerated human spirit by the quickening of the Holy Spirit in truth but must equally be given expression by the soul and body. Man is tripartite – spirit, soul and body.
The Bible says,

‘And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ (1 Thess 5:23, KJV)

Therefore man must worship God with his three constituent parts bowing to the Suzerain Monarch of heaven in unison. This means the spirit, soul and body must work harmoniously together in bowing ‘themselves’ together for man to achieve a holistic worship experience. 


Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.’ 
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NKJV)

Now the layout of the temple of God in the Old Testament had three broad chambers namely: the Outer Court, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. These three chambers perfectly represent the three broad compartments of man as follows:
Outer Court…………Body
Holy Place………… Soul
Holy of Holies………………. Spirit

Though the three broad chambers were collectively called the temple of God, God actually dwelt in the Holy of Holies. Same way as man is collectively called the temple of God but He actually dwells in man’s innermost part – the spirit. 

The verses of Scripture above (1 Corinthians 16:19-20) affirms that anyone who is born of God belongs to God because they have been bought with a special price. This means God owns them wholly; spirit, soul and body – He is their Lord! The Scripture also admonishes believers to ‘glorify’, that is,‘bring pleasure to God’ which is another way of saying ‘worship God’ in their ‘body’ and ‘spirit’. What is obviously missing in this passage is the soul, why? This is because the soul connects the spirit to the body as a conduit. This is also because man touches God with his spirit but touches the world with his body. So the body and spirit are in some sense contact points to the world and God. 


The salvation of the spirit is instant; the salvation of the soul is gradual and the salvation of the body is a culmination.

The spirit contacts and receives from God and is regenerated; the soul receives from the spirit and processes it and is transformed; the body receives from the soul and is quickened. The spirit houses God; the soul houses man’s personality and the body executes whatever orders it receives from the soul. This is why acceptable worship must originate from the spirit because this is where God dwells. Worship that originates from the spirit is easily shaped by truth and has God as its object and Christ at its epicenter. Worship that originates from the soul has self as its object and is easily shaped by Satan and has worldly riches at its epicenter.
The heart as used in Scripture is actually where the spirit and soul intersect and bears the balance of the human personality. If the balance of the heart tilts down towards submitting to the Suzerain Monarch of heaven, this is called humility. If the balance of the heart tilts up toward glorifying self, this is called pride. Only the humble can receive grace to offer acceptable worship (1 Peter 5:5). 


All acceptable worship must originate in the spirit and powered by truth. The high point of worship is when God is pleased. This is why it must be done in spirit and truth because God is Spirit and dwells in the spirit; while truth fully captures God’s will and how to execute the same. Worshipping God therefore cannot be separated from doing His will. 

Paul said,

For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers’ (Romans 1:9, KJV)

The word ‘serve’ as used in this verse of Scripture means to worship through craft or works of righteousness. The source of all acceptable worship is one: the spirit; the substance of all acceptable worship is one: truth; and the goal of all acceptable worship is one: PLEASING GOD. 

Paul in the verse above said he worshipped God by the instrumentality of the gospel. This means his own expression of worship was being an apostle in the gospel of Jesus Christ. To another it might be pleasing God in art, science, engineering, humanitarian service, financial support to kingdom causes etc. Wherever the will of God is done and He is pleased, there is worship! So worship is not just an activity, it is a life style. It is a deliberate, militant commitment to pleasing God at all cost. If you refuse to take or give bribe, lie or cheat etc and God is pleased; you have worshipped Him! 

The four major expressions of worship are as follows:

I. Words (Speaking God’s mind in speech, writing, melodies etc)
II. Silence (Not saying anything in the face accusations at God’s behest)
III. Action (Carrying out God’s instructions)
IV. Inactions (Refusing to do things that are congruous to God’s will)


There is a bodywide misconstruction of worship being synonymous to music and/or singing. You can worship God without singing; you sing without worshipping God and you can sing and worship God. Music that hails from the spirit and is powered by truth and pleases God makes acceptable worship.
Music is a powerful art form that engages body and soul easily by provoking deep emotions. God Himself loves music but music must give Him pleasure to qualify as worship. So it’s not just about ingenious blends of instrumentation and lyrics, it’s about sourcing inspiration from the spirit and giving expression to truth.
Music that hails from emotion cannot make acceptable worship. Acceptable worship can involve emotion because music provokes emotion but it must hail from the spirit and must be powered by truth. Music does not need the Holy Spirit to provoke deep emotional response. It does not need truth to get people clapping. In 1985, at the famous Live Aid Concert in Wembley Stadium, London, one of the greatest performances by a rock band happened. The name of the rock band was Queen whose lead vocalist, Freddie Mercury, gave a supercharged performance that got the over seventy thousand people in the stadium clapping as if led by a prophet of God. Matt Redman, captured this and penned a song entitled Heart of Worship in which he clearly affirms worship is not about music but Jehovah – the Great Monarch of heaven. This is not to rubbish music because I must admit; it sure is a powerful tool for worship.
In Christendom today, on the average, Bible study and miracle services hold in the middle of the week while ‘worship services’ hold on Sundays as if God should not be worshipped in all services. Christians are conditioned to understand worship as something that happens only when belivers come together in the name of the Lord. No! Fellowshipping together can only be called worship if God is pleased. Corporate worship is hinged on the individual believers pleasing God. The goal of any corporate meeting is to empower believers to the point where they worship God personally. Worship is not something done only on Sundays or few days of the week. Worship should be done 24/7/365 until Christ comes or the believer falls asleep.


Can a believer worship Satan? Yes! 
Let it sink. 
Catch your breath. 
Then let’s see how.

The Bible says,
‘Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, "ALL THESE THINGS I WILL GIVE YOU IF YOU WILL FALL DOWN AND WORSHIP ME." Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.'" (Matthew 4:8-10, NKJV, emphasis added)

I particularly like Matthew’s account of the temptation of Jesus because it ends with Satan bluntly asking Jesus to bow down and worship. From this account, it seems the devil all the while was simply working Jesus’ defenses to the point where he could achieve his ultimate aim: worship! Worship was the crescendo that the devil planned. 
Satan took Jesus to an exceedingly high mountain and gave him the vision of the world’s glory, wealth and pleasures. He promised to give them all to Jesus on the condition that Jesus would ‘simply’ bow down and worship him. Why did Satan first SHOW Jesus before ASKING Him? This is because in seeing, the heart bows. 
Remember I mentioned in Part I that the greatest catalyst of worship is the vision of God’s glory and I mentioned that any man who had a vision of God’s glory bowed – Isaiah (Isaiah 6), Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1), Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9), and John the beloved (Revelation 1) all bowed. Bowing to God is a matter of choice which we have to make consistently in love in our hearts in the face of contradictions. And just as we choose to worship God we can also choose to worship Satan.
Satan gave Jesus a vision of the world’s glory as a substitute for the vision of God’s glory. Jesus refused to be distracted by it. He rather chose to feast His eyes on the vision of God’s glory. The vision of God’s glory leads to the worship of God while the vision of the world’s glory leads to the worship of gold (Satan).
The greatest commandment in the law is to love God with all that one has and the second greatest commandment is to love one’s neighbour as oneself (Matthew 22:37-39). Both commandments have one thing in common: LOVE. Love is a function of the heart. When we love, we give all. When we love God, we give Him all that we are and have. We set our affections on things above which are the visions of His glory and not on the things beneath which are visions of the world’s glory (Colossians 3:1-2).
By showing Jesus the visions of the world’s glory, Satan wanted to capture Jesus’ heart and win His love. Jesus chose to love God and not gold. So worshipping Satan is simple: relishing in the vision of the world’s glory and loving gold. Anyone who does not seek He that is above (Christ and His kingdom) and seeks things that are not above (His righteousness) but goes on to seek the world’s kingdoms and their glory and loves gold instead of God is A WORSHIPPER OF SATAN! 
So you see worshipping Satan is not just something people say but things people do. A believer who claims to worship God but loves gold and seeks worldly glory which is material wealth is an effective worshipper of Satan.
It is sad some churches today teach believers to love gold and fix their eyes on the visions of the world’s glory. People are literally taught to love money and despise God.


I recently wrote an article on this elsewhere, I have taken the liberty to use some excerpts here: 

Money is feral –like fire, it can both cook and burn; like electric power it can both electrocute and electrify. This means it can both be disastrous and useful depending on how it is handled. 
By design, money is meant to be a tool like, say, a sledge hammer, water heater, and tooth brush and glass cup. But because of the enormous power money possesses, it can, like wild tides, overflow its banks and latch on to the heart of man like a leech or virulent parasite if allowed to rule. Thus, provoking inordinate love and affection for it and building a throne (control centre) for itself within the heart of man. Once the heart of man which has been designed to love only God and his fellow man begins to love money, a malignant aberration called the root of all evils is established.

The root of all evils will definitely yield the trees of all evils with time. When this happens, a person loses their soul.
This is why the Bible declares in unmistakable terms, 

‘For THE LOVE OF MONEY IS A ROOT OF ALL EVILS; it is through this craving that some have been led astray and have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves through with many acute [mental] pangs.’ (1 Timothy 6:10, AMP, emphasis added) 

The spirit force that catalyses the love for money in the heart of man is called Mammon! Money is not Mammon and money is not evil. 




As earlier stated, money is like fire which is a tool of destruction in the hands of an arsonist and a tool of construction in the hands of a blacksmith.
It is definitely an faithful servant but wicked master.

Jesus said,

'No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions, or whatever is trusted in). (Matthew 6:24, AMP)

It is simple; a man who loves money cannot love God. A man who loves God cannot love money. A man who loves God will definitely trust in and serve God. A man that loves money will definitely trust in and serve Mammon. A man who trusts in and serves God will sell anything and/or give up all his possessions to worship God by spending generously on the cause of His kingdom (an example is the early Christians who sold their possessions to execute God’s will on earth [Acts 4: 34-25]). A man who loves money will give up God, bow down to Satan in worship in order to gain money and/or material possessions (an example is Judas Iscariot who sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver [Matthew 26:15]).

One way to know that God is our Master and money (gold) does not have a hold on us is that we worship God by giving up money for establishing His kingdom thereby giving Him great pleasure!




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