Monday, 24 September 2012

Journey (2)

Your ability to handle rejection, is the rejection of your rejections. Who you are is not based on who gave birth to you, but who you followed. Gen 5:1-3, 1john3:11-13. There is no point starting a journey without an end in view. You should know where your heading to, because you carry with you the Father, the Word and the Spirit. The Bible says that the Spirit shall bear witness with your spirit that you are a child of God. You have the power of God in you, therefore, take ownership in your spirit. 
Wisdom entails distinguishness. If you join the multitude, then unto you is foolishness. If you are always like them, you would never lead them. You are not ordinary, you carry power which is greater than all power in Heaven and on Earth. Jesus being the LORD OF OUR LIFE, when He comes inside you, He becomes the master of your life and you also, housing Him becomes a master of life. All things are at your feet. Whenever you speak it must not make sense but make God, and whatever makes God is final.
The word of God says "Oh, how i love your law; i meditate on it all day long" ps119:97. When you meditate on the word of God truly, constantly, there is no night, it's all day long. The Lord made the day and night in one day, not night. The day ceases the moment you loose your fellowship with the word.
Your journey in life should be in the path laid down by God for you.

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