There have never been a time that man sets a test before God that He fails. He can't just fail. You can't fail likewise. The Bible says that " Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’ john 10 :34. Faith is the past tense of what your expecting.
Let's move over to chemistry, Electrolysis... Now the Holy ghost and the LORD according to 2con 3:17-18 are one of the same, and the LORD'S spirit sets us free, so our faces are not covered. They show the bright glory of the Lord, as the LORD 's spirit makes us more like our glorious LORD.
The LORD and the Holy ghost symbolizes the electrolyte, which the anode happens to be the Lord Jesus and we the cathode. There is a continuous glory, blessing, power flowing to you every moment. Remember this, serving God isn't doing Him any good, instead you do yourself a lot of good. After-all He said he would raise up stones to praise Him if we fail to praise Him,so why should we make ourselves feel so big before God.
We need Him desperately in this journey before us. we can't win on our own.
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