According to the Bible in 1 corinthians 13 vs 4-7 "Love is kind and
patient, never jealous, boastful, proud or rude, Love isn't selfish or
quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do. Love
rejoices in the truth but not in evil. Love is always supportive, loyal,
hopeful and trusting. Love never fails."
God is love and these
are the attributes of Love...therefore they are the attributes of God.
For all those who want to be like Jesus, this are the attributes you
should follow.
It doesn't matter how highly placed you are in the
house of God, if you lack love, you are only a noisy cymbal. To be
right with God, let all these characters of Love be found in us. These
is everything one needs to have before one to be called Loving. Due to
the Love Jesus had for us, He came to earth (not proud, boastful) but
humbled Himself, edured the pains and sufferings (patient, kind) taught
us, and corrected our mistakes even though we thought we knew too much
(quick temperd absent) after all our sins (doesn't keep a record of
wrongs that we do) He still died on the cross to bring us back to the
So when you tell someone.."I love
you", let it be the same love that Jesus has for us.....Godly Love.
Thank God for His word